
March 28, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |


BA Speaks: Revolution—Nothing Less! was screened in Atlanta on Saturday March 23 at a community center in the neighborhood where Revolution Books is located. Just under 30 people attended, most from Georgia with a few coming from neighboring states in the South. The crowd was very diverse—about half Black and half white, with ages ranging from 19 to 70—and a mix of people who have been involved in the movement for revolution and those checking it out for the first time. In the audience were three parents of Black youth killed by police. They, along with others, were riveted by the opening part of the film. During the intermission, several people spoke intensely about how much they agreed with BA around not blaming the youth and the need to put the blame on the system instead. The topic of religion was hot—some people loved how BA addressed it, one person was very disturbed, and several made it a point to say that while they had disagreement with BA on religion, they were in total unity around fighting together to bring down the whole system. Voting was another hot topic, with some people saying that BA was speaking a lot of truth about Obama and elections in general, but at the same time they wanted to hold onto the lesser-of-two-evils mentality that they had during the last election. People were also digging into the strategy for revolution, wanting more clarity on how we could get "from here to there." Another observation reflected on how refreshing and rare it was for a leader to speak so thoroughly about ending the degradation and oppression of women. And one person expressed that he was hoping to hear more on BA's new synthesis of communism and what society would look like after the revolution. He left with a copy of the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal), and looking forward to a sequel on that topic.

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