In Defense of the Fighters of Ferguson

November 25, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |


We salute the bravery and defiance of the people in Ferguson in response to the outrageous refusal of the Grand Jury to indict the murderer of Michael Brown. They said NO, loud and clear, to injustice. No one was left in any doubt that they have had enough. And nobody can miss their courage and desire to fight against the enemy.

The bourgeois talking heads will slander them. The liberals will shake their heads. But know this...

This is not hopelessness or despair. No, this is casting away illusions. This is confronting reality as it is and saying in very clear terms HELL NO! And thereby laying the basis for real hope.

This is not senselessness. No, this is sanity. This is what it looks like when the outcasts realize that this system has no place for them, and they decide to stand up against that.

This is not isolation. No, this is people breaking out of the cells they have been put in to reach out to those who suffer under this empire of oppression, and all who have eyes to see and hearts to feel, and INSPIRE them.

This is not ugliness. No, this is the beautiful birth pangs of a movement fighting to be born.

They refused to carry out some ritualized protest that could be swept under the rug and "at best" derailed into a few reforms. They put something on the line to say "No!" and challenged everyone in society to stand up.

People will learn to fight better and direct their anger more clearly. People will learn the source of the problem. They will learn there is a path to actual emancipation through communist revolution. And what they are doing now is not only critically important in its own right, it is a crucial step to doing that.

The main thing is this: At a crucial time the basic people of Ferguson HAVE STOOD UP, joined by thousands and thousands of people in Ferguson and around the country. And now it is on everyone else to answer their call, to stand up as well, and burst out of the confines of business as usual.

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