BAsics 3:22, the new publication of BA's Break ALL the Chains and the BA Everywhere Campaign

July 28, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |


There is a moment now when eyes are opening to the brutal reality of the war on women. There is a profound basis over the next weeks to go out to all kinds of people with the message of BAsics 3:22, with the new publication of BA's Break ALL the Chains, and with the BA Everywhere campaign to involve them in the celebrations and the campaign, and then, bring out 100 to 200 people for each of the August 9 celebrations in the big cities. Throughout the country there is great unease about how fundamental women's rights won in the '60s and '70s for birth control and abortion are now being stripped away, with access to abortion being effectively denied to women in most parts of the country, with the potential of it being made illegal outright. Many thousands of women – and some men – spoke out on Twitter this spring in a campaign, #YesAllWomen, in an impassioned, visceral response to the brutal mass murders in Isla Vista, California, by a woman-hating (misogynist) young man, in a stunning expression of the deep well of fury that women have to the mountain of daily unending degradation and abuse. Around the world, from India to Brazil to Congo, there is growing outrage and resistance to the abuse, degradation, and exploitation of women.

BAsics 3:22 – "You cannot break all the chains, except one..." – opens up a whole other way of looking at the liberation of humanity and the relations between men and women. It is a sharp ideological challenge which will generate the kind of controversy that's needed if people are to change the world and themselves – on a mass scale. Every line of BAsics 3:22 is worth thinking and talking about.

Just think about what is provoked and what could be opened up by struggle over the second sentence: "You cannot say you want to be free of exploitation and oppression, except you want to keep the oppression of women by men." When people, especially men, come to understand and act on that, it will be a very big change... it will be a big signal that the movement for revolution is really about a whole other way people could be.

BAsics 3:22 is a concentration of BA's breakthrough understanding of the role of women's liberation in making revolution. Gone into in great depth in the new pamphlet, Break ALL the Chains, BA reveals how even in a new revolutionary society there will need to continue to be real struggle to fully liberate women and that this can be a powerful driving force so that revolution continues to go forward and uproot all forms of oppression and exploitation throughout the world. The whole approach of BA to women's liberation is one very key part of the qualitative advance that is the new synthesis of communism. Many people should find out about this and financially support with generous donations getting BA way out in the world-with the reach and impact to change how people think about what could be possible through revolution to break free of this capitalist system which sets individuals, groups, nations against each other and against the natural environment in its relentless drive to accumulate more and more profit.


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