March 10: National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers

Revolutionary Worker #1142, March 10, 2002, posted at

National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers

Sunday March 10, 2002

On this day
Stand up with your abortion services providers and say:
Thank you for your heroism, perseverance, courage, and commitment to women.

We must change the climate overall from one where abortion providers are vilified and attacked to one where they are honored and upheld as the heroes they are.

The National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers was initiated in 1996 and co- sponsored by many national organizations and individuals, as a way to help stop the isolation and create a positive climate for abortion providers across the country. March 10th is the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. David Gunn, the first provider murdered. It is a day to remember and honor Dr. Gunn and others who have and continue to put their lives on the line daily to make choice possible. Without abortion providers, there can be no "choice." And without choice women cannot be free to live and plan their lives!

With increased attacks on abortion rights and providers, this year it is more important than ever to support those who provide abortion. George W. Bush, as soon as he took office, brought back the "gag rule" blocking funding to international family planning organizations, thereby depriving millions of women from access to abortion and birth control. Hundreds of abortion clinics were targeted in October 2001 with two waves of anthrax threats. In light of this, please do not send packages to clinics this year, postcards are best.Keep updated on national plans and connect with participating organizations.

Initiated by:
Refuse & Resist!

Reproductive Freedom Project
American Medical Women's Association
Association of Reproductive Health Professionals
Boston Women's Health Book Collective
Brooklyn Pro-Choice Network
Catholics for a Free Choice
Center for Democratic Renewal
Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
Choice USA
Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program, Hampshire College
Clara Bell Duvall Education Fund
Feminist Majority Foundation
Emily Lyons
Medical Students for Choice
Ms. magazine
National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League
National Council of Jewish Women
National Network of Abortion Funds
National Organization for Women
People for the American Way
Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health
Pro-Choice Public Education Project
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Third Wave

In cooperation with :
National Abortion Federation
National Coalition of Abortion Providers
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Planned Parenthood of New York City

More information is available at,
or by calling Refuse & Resist! at 212-713-5657
or emailing

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